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One Act Musicals

The Parables (Musical Title)


How Might the Parables

Look in Our Lives Today?


​​Nicki is stressed to the max on her classroom Presentation Day. But it has nothing to do with her presentation. She's in big trouble at home.  As each student group presents on their assigned Parable, Nicki agonizes with Carly over her next steps. To complicate matters, there's a major event at stake. Will the girls make a big sacrifice to find peace in their hearts?  


Challenge level: Intermediate

Comparing Christmas (Musical Title)



in the Body of Christ


“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it...for we each have different work to do.”

1 Cor. 12:27; Rom. 12:4-5


​​What happens when highly competitive cousins, Greta and Ruth, face off at the annual Long Family Cousin's Christmas Tournament and Sleepover? In their quest for victory and recognition, how do these arch rivals work through their personal insecurities to find the greater good?


Challenge level: Beginner through Advanced

Word Power (Musical Title)


What does the Bible say about the


“Our words have the power to build people up…

or tear people down…”  Prov. 18:21


It’s Presentation Day at school, and Nellie is petrified to speak.  The class has been studying what the Bible says about the power of our words.  It’s time for these classroom characters to share what they've learned. Each "Student Presentation" is based on their assigned scripture verse. How will Nellie navigate her fear, maintain her friendships, and respect confidences?   


Challenge level: Beginner

Christmas in Room 309 (Musical Title)



 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God has forgiven you.”  

Eph. 4:32


When Grandpa Oscar Long ends up in the hospital on Christmas day, his visiting family - including foster grandchildren - gather at the hospital to comfort Grandma Katherine Long and speed Grandpa's recovery.  But in these close quarters, Alex' secret surfaces, along with unresolved family issues. Will the family work through their issues in love? Or sweep them under the rug?  This little romp might remind you of a family you know.


Challenge level: Intermediate


You may make as many copies as needed for your production of each show you license.

Some shows are Beginner through Advanced Level to accommodate all-grade productions.

You may selectively skip portions, but please do not add to our shows.


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