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LCS Musical Theatre Small Ensemble

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What's included in your instant download: 

  • Accompaniment Track (MP3)

  • Lyrics  (PDF) - Set up where applicable

  • Lead Sheet (PDF) - vocal line, chords, harmony where applicable

  • Some Songs include bonus Reflection Questions and/or Lyric Videos

Black and Blue


Responding to Injustice

Rom. 12:17 

“ speaking the truth with love,

let’s grow in every way into Christ.”  



Rough-and-tumble Dusty and her less assertive friend, Ashley, discuss how to best respond to an injustice done to Ashley. Strong actor~singers needed for this blues piece. Actors must be comfortable with vocal ad lib, and their characters must  grow and change in the course of the piece.


  • ​CAST:  2 Female

  • KEY: Am

  • RANGE: G3 to E5 (with harmony and ad lib)

  • RUNTIME 2:04 plus optional dialogue set up

Black and Blue VOCAL DEMO
00:00 / 02:04

Look at What it Brings


Facing Fears

Isaiah 41:13

“Do not fear; I will help you."



Becky has just forced herself to endure a terrifying interview experience. Her friends helped her prep and now reflect and celebrate how the Lord strengthened her in the process.  Fun, uptempo vocal with opportunity for heavy staging~choreography and humor. Includes classic Broadway and Gospel genres.


  • CASTING: 3 Female OR 2 Female and 1 Male

  • KEY: Em

  • RANGE: G3 to C5

  • RUN TIME 3:41 plus optional dialogue set up

Look at What it Brings with Tag VOCAL DEMO
00:00 / 03:41
Look at What it Brings

More Than We Can See


    Comparison and Competition in the Body of Christ

1 Cor. 12:27

“Now you are the body of Christ,

and each one of you is a part of it."

Rom. 12: 4-5

"For we each have different work to do.”  



Cousins Ruth and Greta have been competing since the day they were born. At the height of the conflict, they’re forced to work through their differences, realizing they are part of something bigger than themselves. Advanced actor~singers. Actors must be able to turn the scene/song as these characters struggle, discover, and grow. 


  • CAST: 2 Female

  • KEY: Gb modulates to Ab

  • RANGE:  Ab3 to Eb5

  • RUN TIME 4:11 plus optional dialogue set up

More Than We Can See VOCAL DEMO
00:00 / 04:11

Dose of Dusty



Eph. 4:15

“Do not repay anyone evil for evil.”



Comic Dusty compares the power of her wrath to that of the Lord’s. She warns that she may decide to exact revenge on a "repeated offender" in defense of her good friend. Ashley offers a wiser perspective. Shuffle style. Strong actor~singers must be able to reveal these character's discoveries and growth. 


  • ​CAST: 2 Female

  • KEY: G

  • RANGE: G3 to D5 (optional E5)

  • RUN TIME 3:01 plus optional dialogue set up​

Dose of Dusty VOCAL DEMO
00:00 / 03:01
Say What I Mean

Say What I Mean


Speaking Selectively

2 Timothy 2:16

“Avoid godless chatter.”  

Proverbs 15:2

“The mouth of fools pours out folly.”    



Becky’s friends coach her about the importance of using her words wisely. Piece requires impressions of iconic characters and lines. Doo-Wop style, 60’s era. Easy vocals with opportunity for advanced staging~choreography.


  • CAST: 3 Female or 2 Female and 1 Male

  • KEY: Bb

  • RANGE:  G3 to Bb4

  • RUN TIME 2:49​ plus optional dialogue set up

Say What I Mean VOCAL DEMO
00:00 / 02:49

We Stick Together


Loyal Friendship

Prov. 18:24

“...there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”



Friends commit to love and support each other through thick and thin. Easy acting and uptempo vocals with opportunity for

advanced staging~choreography.


  • CAST: 2 Female or 1 Female and 1 Male

  • KEY: Bb

  • RANGE:   G3 (F3 optional pick up note) to Bb4

  • RUN TIME 2:35 plus optional dialogue set up​​

We Stick Together VOCAL DEMO
00:00 / 02:36
What is She Doing Here

What is She Doing Here?


Self Importance, False Righteousness, Excluding Others

Luke 18:9-14​

The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector



Musicalized scene reflecting contemporary treatment of the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. Who are today’s “Tax Collectors” and how involved do we want to be with them? Strong actor~singers. Must be able to “sing a scene" and find the discoveries and changes in these characters in the course of the story.


  • CAST: 2 Female (could also work for Large Ensemble, dividing solos with ensemble on chorus)

  • KEY: C

  • RANGE:  B3 to C5

  • RUNTIME 3:09

What is She Doing Here VOCAL DEMO
00:00 / 03:09
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